"After" content
Primer forms is designed to be accessible by default. In service of this goal, the framework intentionally limits the types of inputs, layout styles, etc that may be used to build a form. For example, consider rendering a hidden component like a dialog or tooltip that appears when a form input is hovered or clicked. Normally these hidden elements can only be rendered outside the form. The hidden elements don't "travel" with the form and can be easily forgotten.
For such cases, Primer forms feature "after" content. Like caption templates, after content lives in a directory named after the form, specifically in a file called after_content.html.erb. If present, after_content.html.erb is rendered after the last form input.
# app/forms/example_form.rbclass ExampleForm < ApplicationForm form do |example_form| example_form.text_field( name: :name, label: "Name", id: "my-text-field" ) endend
<%# app/forms/example_form/after_content.html.erb %><%= render( Primer::Alpha::Tooltip.new( for_id: "my-text-field", type: :description, text: "Some tooltip text", direction: :ne )) %>